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For delivery options, kindly refer to our offerings on other platforms. Thank you for your understanding!

China Lucky Star - Dearborn Heights 4525 S Telegraph Rd Dearborn Heights, MI 48125

China Lucky Star - Dearborn Heights

Opens Tuesday at 11:30AM   Store info
(313) 633-1856

Return and Refund Policy

For your satisfaction, we ensure that you constantly receive orders of the best quality from our restaurant. Our return and refund policy enhance our customers' trust in our determination.

Return of the order

We do not accept any physical returns due to the perishable nature of our products.If you have any questions about your order please feel free to contact us. Our management team is always there to answer all your questions and help you out with orders.

Cancellation / Refund of the order

We cannot cancel, refund or give store credit if you change your mind or mistakenly order an item after the order is prepared. We cannot provide any refund or store credit for non-food items or beverages.

As a private business, it is the right of the restaurant to deny or refuse service to any customer for any reason. If a customer abuses any of the Return & Refund Policy we, unfortunately, will not be able to conduct future business with the customer so that we may continue to provide excellent and quality food and service for you and our other wonderful and frequent patrons.